Platform Specific Tips




On the Upload screen, tap ‘Choose Files’. Select ‘Photo Library’, select one or more images, and then tap ‘Add’ (not ‘Show Selected’, which has some additional options for resizing)

Note: you should keep the files selected at their full original resolution. The AtomJump uploader will resize these correctly prior to uploading, regardless, to save on bandwidth used.



To Stop Flickering Images

On an Android phone, if you are connecting to a non-secure ‘http’ Messaging server, and your phone browser’s setting’s ‘Lite Mode’ is switched on, you will likely find images seem to flicker every 5 seconds or so.

We would recommend switching ‘Lite Mode’ off to stop the flickering in your phone’s Chrome Browser Settings page. Alternatively, if an ‘https’ domain is associated with the server, the problem should disappear.